Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Great Deluge of 2009

It has been raining here, non-stop, for the past 36 to 48 hours and to say the least it is starting to cause some major issues. The dear husband was actually sent home early today because of fears of flooding and in fact he just managed to make it home before they closed the roadway on which he commutes. Last night the wind was roaring, the rain was spattering against my windows, knocking things over, blowing things away, making things go bump in the night...I don't think the dogs or I slept for longer than 10 minute stretches at a time. We aren't supposed to have any respite from this drenching downpour, till at least tomorrow morning(if we're lucky). I confess I am a bit worried and here's why:

So if you have any thoughts and prayers to offer out there, we sure could use them! For now though, the dear husband and I will snuggle close to our puppies, be thankful we haven't yet lost electric power,

Munch our home-made scones,And enjoy our lovely tea.

Here's hoping our house is part houseboat!!!LOL!


Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

I'll ask God to send you an ark!! LOL!

Carmen said...

Yum! Scones! Oh...and I hope your boat, I mean, I hope the rain stops soon!! Hey...I have some soap to go with that rain! Have you seen my new blog? =D (I know, shameless self-promotion!)

Carmen said... the new look of your blog!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Nice blog renovation. Rainy days are good for watching old black & white movies.

Montag said...

When I arrived, I heard Louis Armstrong singing "Hello, Dolly"; I remembered doing Armstrong imitations in High School.

The scones and tea make up for the nasty weather a bit. Home made sconesare heavenly.

Unknown said...

Since this was in 09 I assume you had no disasters. I lived through the great flood of 99 when Floyd tried to cover a lot of NC with water. It is a scary thing to watch.