Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some Awards To Hand Out...

So I thought today would be a perfect day to give out some awards to people whose blogs I have come to cherish and admire!

I would firstly like to give the above award to Doris the Great and Barbara for the lovely job they've done on their sites! Thank-you two for sharing with us a part of the beauty that is you!

I would love to give this award to both Carmen Gamble and Linda for their inspirational blogs! Thank both of you for always having such uplifting and thought provoking topics! What a wonderful gift you bring the world!

And last, but not least I wanted to give this award to Kathryn Magendie and Angie Ledbetter for having two blogs that I always turn to for a dose of help with writing! I admire the dedication and thoughtfulness you both put into the act of writing and I am thankful to have found such amazing blogs as your's!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

just stopping by to thank you for your comment on my blog. I love the title of yours. I often think of life just like that...all we can do is hang on and enjoy the ride!!

Carmen said...

Thank you Anita for that wonderful Award! I just picked it up and put it on my blog with a link back to your blog. You've truly blessed me. Thanks again!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Thank you!!! So sweet.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Anita! Thank you SO much! *smiling* just what I needed this evening - (hug)