Sunday, June 14, 2009

Adventures in the backyard!

I want to first wish each and everyone of you a good morning! I hope that your weekends have been filled with all the wonderful bits that make life worth living!

The dear husband and I have had quite a lot of fun around here. Yesterday afternoon we(okay so mostly him) set up the tent in our backyard for the first of what will hopefully become our summer-monthly outdoor movie/camp-out night.

I have to confess that I absolutely love our little tent. The roof is a sheer screen and it allows you to lay back and stare straight up at all the stars(which we did with utter delight!) And oh yeah, it does have a covering you can put over to keep the rain put your worries to rest...we shouldn't drown....I hope!

I had to take the cutesy picture of me and our tent... it wouldn't be me without trying to fit in some kind of cutesy picture! Oh and um yeah, we let the grass grow so high to give us that jungle feeling...yeah that's it...jungle atmosphere!

For any respectable outdoor movie/camp out, you have to have cracker jacks(or the equivalent). Did I mention that you will have to watch out for wild puppies though? Somehow they can sense when caramel-covered popcorn is in the vicinity and they come right out of the wood work!

And just because you need a morning after shot here it is...

We had a really great time and even if we weren't off camping in the great wild somewhere, we still got to sleep beneath the stars! What makes it worthwhile is being with someone you love and the new memories that you make. Plus, who wouldn't love waking up to a sunrise like this???


Kathryn Magendie said...

What a WONDERFUL and fun idea! Oh! We don't have a 'yard' here --the front and back 'yard' declines and inclines, since we live on a mountain - but I sure love this idea! made me smile reading this!

Angie Ledbetter said...

How cool is that?! You'll always look back on those campouts with good memories. We camped all our lives, and when I married we got our old family canvas monster tent, moldy holey as it was. :)

Carmen said...

Looks like a lot of fun! My hubby and I are fair weather campers. We bring a screen and projector when camping and try to hook up to the Park's power. Pretty sad...I know, our kids roll their eyes at us...that's right...just like that! :P

Angie Ledbetter said...

P.S....YOU WON THE PHOTO CAPTION CONTEST AT MY BLOG! Congrats! (Send me your mailing address, please.) :)