Sunday, March 22, 2009

How a Beach-Bum Wanna-be Spent the Day

The dear husband and I decided that today would be a perfect day to hit the beach-front again, so we packed ourselves, the dogs, a bite of lunch and set out for that sun-warmed sand and those crashing waves. It was the first time that either of the dogs had ever been to the beach and though we were a little nervous about how they would react, we wanted them to have a new experience and not be stuck in the house all day.
They were already pretty excited to be able to go for a car ride and were even more eager to get out and explore. Pepper spotted the birds and people and oh that's all it took to send her into
spams of doggie-heaven. Bronson was more his laid back, cool joe usual self.Then, we took them over to the water to see if they'd want to frolick and play and splash about. As you can tell....they thoroughly decided right from the beginning that they wanted NO part of this cool wet stuff and we were nuts to even have thought they might.
They much preferred to sit on the blanket and sun themselves or to sniff around the dunes and among the sea grass.
The dear husband thought it might be fun to dig a hole to China, and not wanting to put a damper on his enthusiam, I didn't even bother to try to mention how impractical and near impossible such a thing would be.I ended up making a turtle, but didn't really get much help from either of the dogs, other than Pepper doing her best to stamp the sand as compactly together as her little paws could.
Several times during the afternoon large flocks of pelicans kept flying over and we almost always seemed to just miss snapping a close-up shot of them. I went and stood down in the surf and watched the foamy waves wash up against the shore. Looking down at my feet I kept seeing little bi-valves and tiny crabs that the water would pull the sand off of and how they would scurry to get back down into the dirt. Being at the beach today, made me even more aware of how much I love the ocean and I felt at peace and joyful. As much fun as we had today though, we are pretty worn out and I think that it is time for our little family to take a nap.


Joanne said...

Those pups are so cute, and veritable beach bums too, the way they wanted to sun themselves! Looks like you all had a great time. (P.S. I'll be stopping at WalMart soon for one of those great planters! Thanks for posting the photo :)

Kathryn Magendie said...

What fun! and how warm it looks - still a bit cool in the mountains, but getting better!

Anita said...

Joanne- yeah I have to agree, my two pups are pretty cute, but then I guess I'm a bit partial to them already lol. And I hope you are able to find those planters! I can't wait till next pay day so I can head back and grab a couple.

Kathryn-Oh it was a blast and so nice and warm...well at least the sand was. The water was still a bit chilly, but hey it's March! LOL! I love the mountains too and we drove down through some pretty mountain ranges on the way here from PA.