Friday, April 3, 2009

Just Randomness

This week has been a mix of ups and downs for me. I'm really missing the dear husband, but do keep reminding myself that it'll only be this month and part of next and he'll be home again. It does help too that we are able to talk for a few minutes a day. I have had the pleasure of getting a letter from my sister Mary and a card from my new Blogger pen-pal(you can check out her page here:, so that's definitely been a bright spot in my week.

I also finally gave into the temptation and bought a pretty plant for next to my front door. Eventually, I want to get about 6 more planters like the one in the picture and line my front walk with them.

While I'm thinking about it, I want to send out the reminder that the deadline for my giveaway is April 6, 2009. All you have to do is email me once with your email address and on the 6th, I'll use a random number generator to pick the winning number.

I think I'm going to spend most of this weekend getting caught up on the house cleaning that I've been putting off and I might take the pups to the beach.

What have ya'll got planned for this weekend??? Whatever it is I hope it'll be at least some fun for ya!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Sounds like you had a nice weekend - a phone call from your husband, a good old fashioned letter from a friend, and flowers on the doorstoop - doesn't get much better than that! Have a good week too!